How to Delete an Uploaded Imgur Image

  • @scottalanmiller any idea on this 1?
    I dragged and dropped the wrong image to a postal service here and information technology made the imgur url automatically, uploading to their service. How do I get that image removed from imgur?

  • @larsen161 information technology uploads anonymously, ML does not command the account. We have never had a login or account access. You'll take to contact Imgur.

    If anyone knows a manner effectually this, nosotros'd love to be able to command that. Only we've looked into it for a long time, and Imgur has never granted the states that power.

  • There's this but that's about all I found.


  • @scottalanmiller said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    @larsen161 information technology uploads anonymously, ML does not command the account. We have never had a login or account access. You'll have to contact Imgur.

    If anyone knows a way around this, we'd love to be able to control that. But we've looked into it for a long time, and Imgur has never granted us that power.

    Is there anywhere in NodeBB that provides the deletion link when uploading anonymously?

  • @black3dynamite said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    Is there anywhere in NodeBB that provides the deletion link when uploading anonymously?

    Non to my knowledge, in that location is zip like that at all.

  • @scottalanmiller said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    @black3dynamite said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    Is there anywhere in NodeBB that provides the deletion link when uploading anonymously?

    Not to my cognition, there is naught similar that at all.

    With ShareX, when y'all create screenshot and it uploads to imgur anonymously y'all are provided a deletehash value.

    You can correct-click on the filename in ShareX and select Copy > Deletion URL and copy that url and open that url in the browser, and a page like appears.

    The deletion URL page.

  • @black3dynamite the plugin needs to handle that, though.

  • I use greenshot often to post pictures to Imgur. Greenshot then remembers the links and offers you the ability to delete things you've uploaded.

    Later you lot upload an image to Imgur, Greenshot puts the URL onto the clipboard, which yous can then paste into an ML post and the image volition just appear.

  • @Dashrender said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    I use greenshot oftentimes to postal service pictures to Imgur. Greenshot then remembers the links and offers you the ability to delete things yous've uploaded.

    After you upload an image to Imgur, Greenshot puts the URL onto the clipboard, which you lot can then paste into an ML post and the image will but appear.

    Yes, we know that it is possible with some tools. Merely since NodeBB does not store the deletehash that those tools practise store, that'due south not useful. This needs to be a feature request with the NodeBB Imgur plugin maker.

  • @scottalanmiller said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    @Dashrender said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    I employ greenshot often to postal service pictures to Imgur. Greenshot so remembers the links and offers you lot the power to delete things y'all've uploaded.

    Subsequently you upload an image to Imgur, Greenshot puts the URL onto the clipboard, which yous can then paste into an ML post and the epitome will just announced.

    Yes, we know that information technology is possible with some tools. Just since NodeBB does not shop the deletehash that those tools do shop, that's not useful. This needs to exist a feature asking with the NodeBB Imgur plugin maker.


    I guess (without spelling it out) I was really just offering a workaround going frontwards until NodeBB gets an upgrade.

  • @Dashrender said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    @scottalanmiller said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    @Dashrender said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    I use greenshot frequently to postal service pictures to Imgur. Greenshot then remembers the links and offers you the ability to delete things you lot've uploaded.

    After you upload an image to Imgur, Greenshot puts the URL onto the clipboard, which yous tin then paste into an ML post and the image volition just announced.

    Yeah, we know that information technology is possible with some tools. But since NodeBB does not store the deletehash that those tools do store, that's not useful. This needs to be a feature request with the NodeBB Imgur plugin maker.


    I judge (without spelling it out) I was really just offering a workaround going forward until NodeBB gets an upgrade.

    Oh sure, people tin upload through other means, or to another service. It's only the built in tooling lacks that option correct now 😞 Which sucks, as information technology would exist actually useful to have.

  • @scottalanmiller said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    @larsen161 it uploads anonymously, ML does not control the account. Nosotros have never had a login or account admission. Y'all'll take to contact Imgur.

    If anyone knows a manner around this, we'd beloved to exist able to control that. But we've looked into information technology for a long time, and Imgur has never granted u.s. that ability.

    Not true. The Imgur plugin absolutely is tied to an account.

    I can absolutely delete annihilation posted to my forum.

  • @JaredBusch how do you lot do information technology?

  • @scottalanmiller said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    @JaredBusch how do you do information technology?

    sign in to the imgur account the plugin is tied to. Yous tin't tie the plugin to nothing.

  • @JaredBusch said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    @scottalanmiller said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    @JaredBusch how practise you practice it?

    sign in to the imgur account the plugin is tied to. You tin't tie the plugin to nothing.

    But how? Their login doesn't permit yous to sign in with that account. We accept an business relationship, merely have never signed in. There is an ID and a secret, but no login. How do you apply those to log in as no other business relationship details were created.

  • It was actually frustrating setting Imgur upwards, considering you lot didn't get a sign in similar a normal app when we did it (this is 2014.) Crazy confusing to utilize, considering you registered and got the API info, but no account to employ.

  • @scottalanmiller said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    It was really frustrating setting Imgur up, because you didn't become a sign in like a normal app when we did it (this is 2014.) Crazy confusing to apply, because you registered and got the API info, but no account to use.

    Looks like you have to annals at some bespeak. And at that place seems to be a header when imgur API's are accessed and that how they know which business relationship information technology is that is posting the image.
    If you lot tin can check what that is, you'll know your client id.


    Annals an Application (IMPORTANT)

    Each customer must register their application and receive the client_id and client_secret.
    For public read-simply and anonymous resource, such as getting image info, looking up user comments, etc. all y'all demand to do is send an authority header with your client_id in your requests. This besides works if you'd like to upload images anonymously (without the prototype beingness tied to an account), or if you'd like to create an anonymous album. This lets united states of america know which application is accessing the API.

    Authorization: Client-ID YOUR_CLIENT_ID

  • @Pete-Due south said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    @scottalanmiller said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    It was really frustrating setting Imgur up, considering you didn't get a sign in like a normal app when we did information technology (this is 2014.) Crazy confusing to apply, because yous registered and got the API info, but no account to use.

    Looks like you lot have to register at some betoken. And there seems to be a header when imgur API'south are accessed and that how they know which account information technology is that is posting the image.
    If you can check what that is, you lot'll know your customer id.


    Annals an Application (IMPORTANT)

    Each client must register their awarding and receive the client_id and client_secret.
    For public read-only and anonymous resource, such as getting image info, looking upwards user comments, etc. all yous need to practise is send an authorisation header with your client_id in your requests. This also works if you lot'd like to upload images anonymously (without the image being tied to an account), or if you'd like to create an bearding album. This lets u.s.a. know which application is accessing the API.

    Authorisation: Client-ID YOUR_CLIENT_ID

    Yes, y'all register. Only during the registration procedure, at least in 2014, there was no "account login" involved. No username or password. There was registration and the API / secret. But tin we use that to log in?

  • @scottalanmiller said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    @Pete-S said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    @scottalanmiller said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    It was really frustrating setting Imgur up, considering you didn't get a sign in like a normal app when we did it (this is 2014.) Crazy disruptive to utilise, considering yous registered and got the API info, only no account to use.

    Looks like you have to register at some signal. And at that place seems to exist a header when imgur API'southward are accessed and that how they know which account it is that is posting the image.
    If you can check what that is, you lot'll know your client id.


    Annals an Application (Important)

    Each client must register their application and receive the client_id and client_secret.
    For public read-only and anonymous resources, such as getting image info, looking upwards user comments, etc. all you demand to practice is send an potency header with your client_id in your requests. This also works if you lot'd similar to upload images anonymously (without the prototype being tied to an account), or if y'all'd similar to create an bearding anthology. This lets us know which application is accessing the API.

    Authorization: Client-ID YOUR_CLIENT_ID

    Yes, you register. But during the registration procedure, at to the lowest degree in 2014, in that location was no "business relationship login" involved. No username or password. There was registration and the API / hugger-mugger. But tin nosotros utilize that to log in?

    No, doesn't look like you can use that to login. It actually looks like you lot tin can't remove images using the API either - if they have been uploaded anonymously with your client_id. You need the deletehash value from each upload mentioned earlier in this thread and it look like nodebb imgur plugin doesn't save that info. So no dice.

  • @Pete-S said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    @scottalanmiller said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    @Pete-S said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    @scottalanmiller said in How to remove incorrectly uploaded to imgur:

    It was really frustrating setting Imgur upward, considering you didn't become a sign in like a normal app when we did it (this is 2014.) Crazy confusing to use, because you registered and got the API info, merely no business relationship to use.

    Looks like you have to annals at some bespeak. And there seems to be a header when imgur API's are accessed and that how they know which account it is that is posting the image.
    If you tin can check what that is, you'll know your client id.


    Annals an Application (IMPORTANT)

    Each customer must annals their application and receive the client_id and client_secret.
    For public read-only and bearding resource, such as getting epitome info, looking up user comments, etc. all you demand to do is ship an authorization header with your client_id in your requests. This also works if you'd like to upload images anonymously (without the epitome existence tied to an account), or if yous'd like to create an bearding album. This lets us know which application is accessing the API.

    Potency: Client-ID YOUR_CLIENT_ID

    Yes, yous register. Only during the registration process, at least in 2014, there was no "business relationship login" involved. No username or password. There was registration and the API / undercover. But tin nosotros utilise that to log in?

    No, doesn't look like y'all can utilise that to login. It really looks like you can't remove images using the API either - if they have been uploaded anonymously with your client_id. You need the deletehash value from each upload mentioned earlier in this thread and it look similar nodebb imgur plugin doesn't save that info. So no dice.

    I think @JaredBusch has some other setup. He tied the application to his imgur user account - by getting the client id/secret for the webapp from imgur while being logged in.

    So when images are posted to imgur using the client id Jared got, they will automatically vest to his user account.



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